| Mobile Servicing Of Touring Caravans Mobile Servicing & Repairs for Caravans & Motor Caravans in Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Northamptonshire Bedfordshire and Warwickshire | | | Whether you require a full or part service, Cara-Medics will arrange for a professional, qualified, and fully insured mobile engineer, to arrive at your house, caravan site, storage compound, or place of work. Quite simply - We come to you! So you don't have the inconvenience of taking your caravan back to the dealer or servicing workshop..... .....Saving you that all important -time and money. Below, is a list of service options available to suit every pocket. | Why The Need For Annual Servicing? -
All responsible caravanners know how important it is to have their tourer serviced annually. -
Touring caravans are road vehicles with moving parts, wheels, running gear and brakes, all of which should be checked annually. -
In addition, internal habitation area equipment such as gas cookers, heaters and fridges all need regular safety checks. -
Damp and water ingress can take control very quickly - regular damp meter checks can identify this, sooner, rather than later. -
Electrical installations – 230v AC and 12v DC – these also require regular inspection. | Important notice: When booking one of the below services, please make us aware of any known problems or repairs required with your caravan? Otherwise we cannot factor in extra time to carry out the additional work. Chassis Only Service -
Check general condition of chassis. -
Remove wheels and hubs. -
Inspect, adjust and clean braking system. -
Inspect tyres for damage, tread and condition. -
Check tyre pressures. - Grease and check operation of corner steadies.
Check and grease hitch damper. -
Check 13 pin or 12n & 12s plugs and cables for wear. £135.00 + parts* (single axle) £175.00 + parts* (twin axle) | Habitation Only Service -
Inspect and report general condition of caravan. -
Inspect and report any signs of water ingress. -
Gas system pressure test. -
Check bottled gas hose and replace if necessary. -
Check and test all gas appliances. -
Check and test heating system. -
Check and test 230v electrical system. -
Check and test 12v system and battery condition. -
Check and test water system, including pump and taps. All the above plus more - for only: £165.00 + parts* | The above are only a handful of items from a much more extensive list of inspections & checks that are carried out on all caravan servicing. | Full Caravan Service £250.00 + parts* (single axle).... a saving of £50.00 £290.00 + parts* (twin axle).... a saving of £50.00 |  | * Any faulty parts found during servicing will be reported, and if replacement is required, an additional charge will be made. | Ensuring Your Satisfaction! - All work will be carried out in a professional manner, using skill, care and attention.
Additional work will only commence upon your express authority. -
If we discover the need for additional work during servicing or repair, we will contact you for authority to continue. -
Any faults discovered while servicing, that cannot be rectified immediately, will be brought to your attention, together with an honest assessment of how urgent the repairs may be. -
All replaced parts can be submitted for your inspection. | | | | | | Comprehensive Paperwork To ensure that you have a complete record of the service or repair, your Cara-Medics service engineer will issue you a detailed service check list and invoice, which will indicate the following information: -
The date of the service or repair. -
The name, address and phone number of Cara-Medics. -
Your name, address and phone number. -
Your caravan make, model, year and identification (CRIS) number. -
An itemised list of parts fitted, labour and any specialist costs. | Damp, and the effects of Water Ingress. | | The above diagram indicates the possible areas where water ingress can penetrate a caravan. And, if left untreated, is undoubtedly the biggest single killer of the habitation area of your caravan! Once damp starts to take hold, it will systematically rot the ceiling, walls, floor and soft furnishings. Be aware!
| What can be done? Cara-Medics always carries out a full damp check with all full/habitation servicing as standard, a service that many other companies will charge extra for. And, If spotted early enough, we recommend a part or complete overseal. This will help prevent further water ingress occuring. Pricing for our oversealing service is subject to sight, and the outcome of a comprehensive damp check. | oooooooooo | Booking a service is as easy as 1-2-3 2) text message cara-medics on: 07877 979110 3) telephone cara-medics on: 07877 979110 | | Cara-Medics are an ACOPS gas certified company | |